It is the goal of the University of Martial Arts to work together with martial arts instructors from many different styles to provide excellent online training for their martial arts students. Through the University of Martial Arts, we provide your students with access to the best training tools available, including online video, online course materials, blogs, forums, podcasts, email newsletters and more.
At the University of Martial Arts, we believe that online video training allows students to practice what they are being taught with more proficiency so they excel in their training. At UMA we help pair up instructors with students who may not have access to training due to location or time constraints.
The University of Martial Arts has different levels of training for your students based on course material, which can be individualized by belt rank or by ability, ie. beginning, intermediate and advanced. The University of Martial Arts has full control over who can view course materials in the different levels and websites include unlimited storage of media including videos, course manuals etc. either for download or for viewing by students on your website. UMA students pay tuition and purchase materials securely online.

Student Training
- Students are allowed access by rank and or level
- Students have access to uploaded training materials
- Students test via video
- Students can receive scheduled delivery of content

Everything Provided Online
- Students tuition paid online
- Instructor’s books, manuals and videos are available online
- Necessary training gear can be purchased online

Communication with Students
- Through Instructor – Student Forums
- Instructor Blogs
- Email & Autoresponder
- Podcast
- Area seminars allow for on site training for students
Click on the button below to read about all the website features provided for instructors through the University of Martial Martial Arts.